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The Music

jesus.gif (35373 bytes)Who are we?

FireProof started about one year ago as a praise band in First Baptist Church of Tampa.  As time went on FireProof learned new songs and on started to play other things than just praise songs.  We started writing our own music and playing instruments and that's where we are today.

pictures_desk_md_blk.gif (5079 bytes)Do you want to get the lyrics to some of FireProof's songs? Then go to the Lyrics page.

Wondering when you can see FireProof next?  The Events page will tell you upcoming concerts and FireProof events.

Join the FireProof Mailing list and receive News and updates on FireProof events and more!  To join go here and type in your e-mail address.

Go to the Links page for some of FireProof's favorite sites.firehyBLK.gif (8636 bytes)

For more information on contacting FireProof for booking or if you just want to talk to them e-mail Blake.

Check out the great Pictures of spray_md_blk.gif (6906 bytes)FireProof.

Wondering who FireProof is?  The Members page will tell you who they are.

FireProof is always looking for more gigs, but you can check out what's already planed on the Events page.

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Questions or comments?
Send email to fir3proof@yahoo.com